What is The Mother Plus Podcast?

This is the podcast for "too much" moms who feel like they are failing at motherhood and don't want to fail anymore. Your hosts, Stacey Hutson and Stephanie Sprenger, two ADHD moms of four girls ages 4-18, most definitely don't have it all figured out. But we know one thing for sure: understanding our brains is the key to enjoying our motherhood, and our SELVES again.

Here, we are brutally honest about our ADHD motherhoods (the missed Spirit Weeks, the mountains of laundry, the nostalgia for our old "fun" pre-mom selves) so you know you're not the only one struggling.

When we don't know the answers, or aren't qualified to give them, we bring on the experts. Mental health therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, women's doctors -- we want to learn from them all. Because we believe once you know how to work WITH your ADHD brain rather than against it, it changes everything. 

You found your people. We're them. And you're us. Let's figure this out together. 

Who are Stace & Steph?


Two ADHD Moms who once felt just like you—overwhelmed, exhausted, and wondering why life as a mother felt so much harder than it seemed for everyone else.

In case you haven't heard, ADHD looks different in girls and women than it does in men. Stace & Steph weren't like those hyperactive ADD boys we all remember (the ones who constantly interrupted the class, and couldn't sit still in their seats).

In fact, they were "good girls." GREAT students. Top of their class – both of them. 

The problem was, they had the same untamed energy that those little ADD boys had in school. But instead of letting it out for the world to see, they stuffed all of their insecurities and anxiety deep down inside.

They thought they had everybody fooled. But then, they became moms. Their hormones changed. The responsibilities piled up. And they went off the rails. 

They felt like they were always failing.

It wasn't until years later that they got their ADHD diagnoses, and everything changed.

Once they understood WHY they were struggling so much, they knew that they couldn't do what "everybody else" was doing. They had to do something different. 

Something that worked WITH their brains rather than against them. Something that grounded them and brought them back to their bodies. Something that reminded them that they weren't failures. They were actually pretty remarkable. 

Their ADHD diagnosis was a turning point. It wasn’t a label—it was an answer. 

They began building new habits, new rituals, and a new way of living that made space for their ADHD instead of fighting it.

Now, they’ve found a way to live with more calm, clarity, and confidence. And they’re here to help you do the same.

Can we be friends?


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No masking. No apologies. Just permission to be your perfectionist-based, procrastinating, creative, intuitive self.

What you'll get:

  • Access to hundreds of women like just like you.
  • Body doubling parties (where we can fold laundry and do other shit we hate to do together).
  • A collective of all of our favorite resources, products, and hacks.
  • Venting and little and big celebrations welcome!